Feed Bites

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There are 55 item(s) tagged with the keyword "member value".

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 55

1. 4 Strategies for Finding and Retaining Top Workers--Even in a Crowded Market

In many cases, when members of the animal food industry recruit, they post and pray. We all know the drill: post the job description and pray that qualified applicants will apply. This strategy may have worked (at least, sometimes) a few years ago when we were in a different labor market, but it doesn’t work today. 

Tags: Member value
By Guest
2. Hats Off to AFIA Winners, Semi-Finalists for Liquid Feed Facility of the Year Recognitions

This week, we proudly recognized Westway Feed Products’ Houston, Texas, feed manufacturing facility with the American Feed Industry Association’s 2023 Liquid Feed Facility of the Year (FFY) award!

Tags: Member value
By AFIA Editor
3. Pacing Ourselves for the Long Haul

Today, the American Feed Industry Association released our annual, “Our Industry, Our Promise” report, detailing the operational challenges facing today’s animal feed and pet food manufacturers at the global and international levels. It also discussed the ways the AFIA is addressing those challenges head-on, while laying the groundwork for a prosperous future for our members and association into the future.

Tags: Member value
By Constance Cullman
4. Come With Me to Advocate for Global Animal Food Issues with the ITC

When you think of federal agencies, what comes to mind? For me, I think of an intimidating, hulking building with slow, red-tape processes. I recently learned the reality is far from my wild imagination. Boiled down, federal agencies, and specifically the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) in this story, is comprised of people, looking to give back to their country.

Tags: Trade, Federal agencies, Member value
By Lacie Dotterweich
5. A Reflective Conversation with Scott Druker

Having been with the American Feed Industry Association for many years, I have the honor to work with some of the most interesting and amazing leaders in the animal food industry. While I’m happy for them as they near retirement, I’m also sad to see them go. Here’s an interview with one such titan of the industry, Scott Druker, Ph.D. Scott is currently the general manager for the animal and food production division at Arm & Hammer Animal and Food Production. I really got to know Scott when he served as chair of the AFIA Board in 2020-21. Below is our conversation.

Tags: Member value
By Sarah Novak
6. Thank You Animal Nutrition Scientists!

Every year, the American Feed Industry Association sponsors various nutrition research awards that honor animal scientists that advance the livestock industry, both with their research programs and by mentoring young industry leaders. The 2023 winners are listed below. Thank you all for your passion and dedication!

Tags: Member value
By Guest
7. Struggling to Hire and Keep Good Workers? 2 Tips for Retention--and Growth

Let’s face it: these are tough times for agriculture and animal food leaders. In today’s tight labor market, business owners are struggling to retain good workers—a complaint we hear again and again during meetings with clients and in conversations at conferences. In this tricky business environment (and really, at any time), the onus is on leaders like you to make employees feel valued, supported and engaged so they stick around.

The question is: how?

Tags: Member value
By Guest
8. Meet Kim Atkins!

The American Feed Industry Association is thrilled to welcome aboard our new manager of membership and engagement, Kim Atkins! Kim is passionate about membership and is excited to work with AFIA members and provide top-notch member service. Learn more about Kim below.

Tags: Member value
By Sarah Novak
9. It Is Our Responsibility to Seek and Develop Leaders

I am honored and humbled to begin my tenure as chair of the American Feed Industry Association’s Board of Directors. I have learned a great deal from the past chairs I have been fortunate to work with and want to specifically recognize and thank Mike Gauss, Kent Nutrition Group, for his leadership over the past year and counsel in the coming one!

Tags: Guest perspective, Member value
By Guest
10. How to Harness the Love of the Feed Industry to Attract Employees

I’m Kristen Ireland, one of the founders, along with Erin Mies, of People Spark Consulting, and in this blog I’ll share two strategies for hiring great people who will stick with you, season after season. When we met as human resource experts at a large agriculture cooperative, we quickly realized that we shared a pretty straightforward philosophy: We believe that simple, practical HR processes can boost a company’s bottom line and increase profits and margins.

Tags: Member value
By Guest

Displaying: 1 - 10 of 55

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